Tag Oleh Kawanku Melly

Entry # 22 Kali ni Si Melly pulak mengetag aku...so meh lah menjawab bagi menghilangkan stress sat.. The three things.... #A:Three Names I go by 1. Ave 2. Uni 3. Ummi #B:Three Jobs I have had in my life 1. Guru Sandaran 2. Loyal Employee to XXX Company (kuang3x) 3. Wife & Mother #C:Three Places I have lived 1. Kuantan 2. Sarawak 3. KL #D:Three TV Shows that I watch 1. CSI 2. AFC 3. Tom Tom Bak #E:Three places I have been (yang ni ku pilih tempat yg meninggalkan kenangan manis yek) 1. Hannover 2. Shanghai 3. London #F:People that e-mail me regularly 1. Hubby 2. CBN Mothers - Wati & Ita 3.Collegues #G:Three of my favorite foods 1. Laksa 2. Choc Cake 3. Rendang di masak ibu ku..yummy... #H:Three things I would like to do 1. Bahagiakan Ibu & Ayah 2. Be an entreprenuer 3. Home maker #I:Three friends I think will respond 1.Malas nak tag orang, boleh? 2.Malas nak tag orang, boleh? 3. Malas nak tag orang, boleh? #J:Things I am looking forward to 1. Dilimpahi rezeki yang berkat (yg ni nak sgt2)..AMIN 2. My mom & dad health improving better and dipanjangkan umur mereka 3. My daughter's "probition period" dapat dilalui dengan jayanya..AMIN Melly, abis utang yek...hehehe


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