Buat Julung Kalinya Mencuba Contest Bloggers - Tote Boutique :)

Untuk pertama kalinya dan julung kalinya, hamba (tetiba je jadik Perempuan Melayu Terakhir)mencuba untuk contest give away anjuran salah seorang antara ribuan bloggers di alam maya ini. Atas sebab tarikan yang amat sangat, MasyaALLAH, pada hasil tangan tuan punya blog di www.tote-boutique.blogspot.com a.k.a Cik As, hamba terpanggil untuk turut serta. Dan untuk kesekian kalinya juga, it was my first attempt to blog hop to Cik As's newly renovated "Home Sweet Home". Nice house though!
Being the 1st timer, trying this type of contest online, the excitements are unexplainable. It reminds me of my experience when my gynae showed me my lil baby GIRL (via scan picture) at the age of 4 weeks 10 years ago..LOL! And for those who are yet to experience the above senario, I would say, it was like meeting your dream girl/guy for the first time - speechless and full of suspect...LOL again....
Hopefully, my 1st ever attempt, would give me double happiness inconjuction with my coming 11th Anniversary this coming 29th May...Amin...


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