Don't Give Up...

Entri # 27
Alhamdullilah, result CT-Scan ibu for the liver and pankreas clear - no cancer. But at her ribs - Dr kata ada tanda cancer is spreading to the bone. She will have to go for minimum 5 times of radiotheraphy and followed by chemo. She will be given a different type of drugs this time. The cancer had spread under the skin and it's not a good sign indeed. I really hope that she will be able to cope with the treatments and may ALLAH grant her with Iman and Taqwa for her to survive and manage her emotion. I'll for sure do my best and effort and will not give up to assist her in getting the best medical treatment. I can't bear looking at her in pain..Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segalanya buat Ibuku..Amin
I love you so much Ibu....hanya Tuhan sahaja tahu betapa sayangnya Uni pada Ibu...moga kita akan terus dirahmati-NYA....


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