Buletin Utama - Kisah Qaisara

Entry # 10 Yesterday, ada CNY celebration kat school Sara. For the past 2 years, masa occasion ni Sara dok pakai cheong-sam, so this year dia nak try pakai "legga" which I bought for her in year 2007 during my trip to India. This is the firts time she's wearing this costume and Alhamdullilah, it fits her well. Takut gak kalau-kalau dah singkat. Bila dah siap, ada orang tu buat remarks tengok anak dara "Wow..you look sexy lah Sayang. Papa tengok Sara macam model"..hahaha..sape lagi nak puji anak sendiri kalau bukan daripada papanya sendiri..but she looks sweet kan? Jom layan pic Sara...
Pose wajib - pose senyum kasi nampak lesung pipit..hehe
Pose ala2 tiang elektrik - sebab snap pic at 6am...
Final pose before naik car ....
P/S: Tahun depan nak pakai thema apa yek???


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